Flat Tummy Tea Review: Is It A Fat Scam or Does It Work?

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Nomadchoice Pty Ltd, are the owners of Flat Tummy Tea. The tea allegedly helps reduce belly fat. Flat Tummy Tea started operations in 2012, the company became a subsidiary of Synergy CHC Corp. The Australian wellness company sells Flat Tummy Tea internationally, with branches in Australia and USA, and also ships internationally.

How Does Flat Tummy Tea Work?

Flat Tummy Tea as a detox and fitness tea claims to naturally ‘’kick that bloated and sluggish feeling’’ and flatten your tummy in two steps. It supposedly works to improve your metabolism, boost your energy levels, and cleanse your digestive system. The two steps include an ‘’activation tea’’ and a ‘’cleansing tea’’.

  • Activate: Activate tea claims to have 10 ingredients that help kick-start your day’s activities by improving your digestion, give you energy and support metabolism.
  • Cleanse: Basically the Cleanse tea’s seven ingredients allegedly work to detoxify your intestinal tract by getting rid of built up toxins and reduce water weight.

How Much Does Flat Tummy Tea Cost?

If you are buying Flat Tummy Tea for the first time, the four-week pack will set you back $49, and the two-week pack will dent you $36. If you happen to go back for more, you will part ways with $45 every month. All orders include a zipper bag and a flyer. It is free to ship anywhere in Australia and the USA, but if you choose to get it by priority mail in the USA, it will cost you an extra $5.95. Internationally, you will have to pay an additional $7.95 flat rate as shipping fee.

The company does not do refunds, except for a damaged order. All you need to do is inform their customer care unit via email within seven days of receipt of the product. If your order gets lost, they cannot refund you. The product bears no warranty.

Their social media page is a key point of sale, and once you visit their page you will join 600,000 followers for tantalizing sales pitches from their curvy, sassy and belly-flat sales models.

Flat Tummy Tea Ingredients

As discussed earlier, Flat Tummy Tea comes in two-fold; an activate tea and a cleanse tea.

Activate Tea contains

  • Taraxacum leaf and root – Claims to reduce bloating and fat absorption, thanks to its diuretic and laxative effects.
  • Galium Aparine – its diuretic effect discourages water retention and in turn permanent fat loss.
  • Camellia Sinensis – contains caffeine that aids in thermogenesis for calorie burning. It also works as an anti-appetizer
  • Glycyrrhiza Glabra – Claims to reduce abdominal fat, digestive anomalies including ulcers and gastritis
  • Mentha and Piperita – apparently daily intake of these two ingredients help to improve your active and workout experience by enhancing energy expenditure and respiration.
  • Carum Carvi Disambiguation – lowers and regulates the sugar levels in your blood.
  • Melissa Officinalis – claims to be a remedy for heart burns, bloats and stomach upsets.
  • Foeniculum Vulgare – claims to treat bloating and indigestion, while helping suppress your appetite.

Cleansing Tea contains

  • Senna Alexandrina pods and leaf, Taraxacum root, Mentha and Piperita, Carum Carvi, Glycyrrhiza glabra, all claiming to burn fat and assist in weight loss, with their powerful laxative effect.
  • Rheum Rhabarbarum – A traditional Chinese medicine that is ‘’statistically proven’’ to be the remedy for all common stomach conditions including heartburn, constipation, gastrointestinal bleeding and stomach pains.

What We Like About Flat Tummy Tea!

Clinical support

Some ingredients mentioned above have a clinical backing. Dietary supplements use most of the ingredients in Flat Tummy Tea. You might get some level of satisfaction if you decide to look them up.

Fast Free Delivery

As long as you're in the USA, your tea will arrive pretty quickly; you would just have to wait for five to seven working days. Shipping is free and they have other paid options if you need that tea in your life sooner. It is also not expensive to ship internationally.

Flat Tummy Tea Complaints

Well if you're reading this review, you might want to get comfortable because we're going to spill the tea you really want to know about this so-called detox tummy flattening tea.

No FDA Approval

The benefits that Flat Tummy Tea claims have not actually been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. At least they admit this but it's buried at the bottom of the page

No refunds for you unless…

Buried in their terms and conditions is the following statement; “We do not accept returns or provide refunds for dissatisfaction with the product unless the product is faulty.”  We do not offer refunds if a Product is lost once it has been dispatched from our warehouse. So tough cookies if you don't like it or it gets lost in the mail.

No Free Trial

A lot of weight loss companies offer some type of trial period. Although most of the so called trials are set up in a shady manner. This company has no trial period. So you have to cough up the full price and better hope you like it since there is no refunds.

Flat Tummy Tea Side effects

Apparently if you're pregnant you shouldn't take the tea. Some customers have complained of fatigue, diarrhea, nausea, constipation, and gas while using the product. Ironic isn’t it? The side effects including stomach ache are what it claims to reduce.

Damn it, This doesn't work!

A large number of customers complained that the product simply does not work. Now, combine that with the lack of refunds, or trial period and you might have a recipe for a disaster.

Flat Tummy Models

I've seen so many social media personalities who happen to already have flat tummies from surgery or working out promoting this product. It's like a slap in the face. Where are the models of people who had a big belly that this worked for.

Does Flat Tea Tummy Work Or Not?

Based on consumer ratings and reviews, it all depends. Some people claim these type of detox teas do work and many more claim it doesn't. Either way it's a toss up. Given that there is no warranty, refunds or free trials you're taking a risk either way. The only sure way to make your belly flat is to make carbs your nemesis, greens your new best friends and sign up for gym sessions. I know no one wants to hear that. But these are the only proven ways to lose weight consistently.

Hey but all of this is our opinions. We want to hear your thoughts. So leave your own comments and review down below.

Thanks for reading and feel free to share this article with anyone looking into Flat Tummy Tea.

If you've enjoyed this review, you may want to read my other reviews about weight loss such as about Golo and Leptigen.

Flat Tummy Tea
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Flat Tummy Tea seems to work for some people but it doesn't for all. There are many type of complaints that might give you pause especially since the FDA hasn't actually approved any of their claims. So it's a toss up either way.

User Rating 4.5 (2 votes)
Comments Rating 4 (2 reviews)


  1. Phil April 3, 2017
    • Eddy with a y April 3, 2017
  2. roamy April 3, 2017
    • Eddy with a y April 3, 2017
  3. Lloyd April 3, 2017
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  4. Stisse April 4, 2017
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  5. Penelope April 4, 2017
    • Eddy with a y April 4, 2017
  6. Daniella April 4, 2017
    • Eddy with a y April 4, 2017
  7. Erica April 22, 2017
    • Eddy Salomon April 22, 2017
  8. Kirsten June 27, 2020

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