TeenSafe Review: Is It A Scam or A Great Kid Monitoring App?

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What is TeenSafe?

TeenSafe found at Teensafe.com, is an online software that gives parents the ability to monitor their kid's digital activities. TeenSafe was established in 2011 and was an idea of friends and parents Sukant and Ameeta Jain, Scott and Terri Walker, and Allan and Lindsay Legator.

How Does TeenSafe Work?


TeenSafe is a smartphone app that is developed for parents who want to ensure their kids are safe and sound. The App works with all Apple (iPhones and iPads) and Android devices and costs $14.95 per month, but a new user has a 7-day free trial period.

Once you (parent) set up a TeenSafe account, you will have a personal and secure dashboard that, according to the company, can be used to access the following data:

  • Incoming or outgoing call logs, alongside information such as contact name, call duration, number, and dates
  • Current location
  • Received, sent, and deleted SMS and iMessages
  • Location history
  • Installed apps on a device
  • Facebook and Instagram activity
  • Web browsing history and bookmarks
  • Deleted Kik and WhatsApp messages
  • Web search history

To be allowed to subscribe to the service, a parent needs to be at least 18 years old and be legally authorized to monitor a child.

TeenSafe Features

TeenSafe provides two applications for Android and iOS. Both Apps are meant to increase flexibility and control.

  1. TeenSafe Monitor – this app enables parents to view their kids’ texts on their phones without the need for a PC. TeenSafe Monitor is a phone version of your TeenSafe.com dashboard.
  1. TeenSafe Control – this app enables parents to set restrictions, pause, or block apps on their teen's phone at any time; and this is done It can:
  • Pause your teen’s phone during designated times: when driving, during dinner, or at bedtime
  • Block access to the app store, and block apps like SnapChat
  • In 2017, a new feature is being introduced. It will make it possible to use the app to schedule restrictions on phone and app usage during certain times.


No need for jailbreaking or rooting: Jailbreaking a phone can be like rocket science especially for parents. But fortunately the TeenSafe App relieves you from this 21st-century madness because the app does not alter your phone.

Monitor unlimited number of teens at the cost of one subscription: With a single account, you can monitor as many kids as you want, and you will not pay extra.

Pause your kids’ phone at any time: You can literally pause your kid's phone when you need to get their attention from POKEMON GO or whatever they're playing nowadays. You also get the chance to stop them from texting while driving.  How sweet is that?

Positive BBB Rating:  Some of you live and die by the approval of the Better Business Bureau. So you'll be happy to know Teensafe has an A+ BBB rating at the time of this review.

TeenSafe Complaints:

Images and Videos cannot be displayed: While you can see that a picture/video was sent, it is not possible to view the exact image or video. How will you know if your kid is sexting?

TeenSafe is limited to specific devices: Unfortunately the appl only works with Apple and Android. So you Blackberry and Windows phone fanboys and girls are ass out.

TeenSafe does not monitor SnapChat: Given the popularity of SnapChat, being unable to control it means parents could be missing out on plenty of potentially useful information.

It is not discreet enough: Setup is hardly discreet. For example, when setting up an account, you will need the verification that will be sent to your kid’s phone. This tips off your child that he/she is being monitored. Doesn't that defeat the whole purpose of the app? Furthermore, you need your kid's iCloud username and password for your tracking.

Additional Complaints Against Teensafe.

The tracker is not accurate: This may probably result from the fact that it needs to update information when your kid changes location. This can be misleading and means it is hard to keep track of your child’s location in real-time. So, forget about following your kid's every move with this app.

No refunds for you: Whenever a subscriber ‘accesses data,’ they cannot receive a refund. So if you're not happy with the service, then tough luck.

The data is old: Because iCloud backups need to be made, the data is a bit old (12-24 hours) and makes the app irrelevant if you want instant access to texts. Nothing is up to the minute.

Requires some technical skills to set up: Let's face it most parents aren't technically savvy. That's why you have kids to help you with that stuff. If that's the case in your house, setting this up may be difficult for you.

So Is Teensafe Actually Legit and Useful?

Overall, TeenSafe has a fair amount of negative and positive reviews. So it's clear that there are some people that are happy with this service and some that aren't for the reasons we listed above. Most people seem to be happy with Teensafe so it may be worth a shot considering the free trial. But you better be tech savvy and have access to your kids phone and their passwords to make this effective.

In any event, we'd love to hear your opinion about Teensafe.com. So chime in below with your comments or personal review. Feel free to watch out TeenSafe youtube video as well.

TeenSafe Review
  • Our Overall Rating
  • Support
  • Quality


Teensafe provides you with a way to snoop on your kid's phone activities. But it's not as discreet and easy to set up.

User Rating 1 (1 vote)
Comments Rating 4 (1 review)


  1. kidzmom41 March 21, 2017
    • Eddy with a y March 21, 2017
  2. FitFDAFamily March 21, 2017
    • Eddy with a y March 21, 2017
  3. Patrick March 21, 2017
    • Eddy with a y March 21, 2017
  4. jeffrey16201 March 21, 2017
    • Eddy with a y March 21, 2017
  5. Garth Wright March 21, 2017
    • Eddy with a y March 21, 2017
  6. Frank March 21, 2017
    • Eddy with a y March 21, 2017
  7. Jennifer Gonzales October 15, 2018
    • Help Desk October 15, 2018

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