2017 Top 3 Worst Father’s Day Gifts Dads Will Hate!

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Okay so if you're on this page, you either love the father in your life or have a sick sense of humor. If you love him, you'll appreciate the Father's Day gifts I listed below. But if you're a smart ass, then ignore my advice and buy him the gifts that I know he'll hate. Either way, we have you covered. Please note I'm a dad and these gifts are based on my point of view. They're also a way to drop hints to my wife and kids. But feel free to disagree with me in the comments below. Okay, let's discuss some bad father's day gift ideas.

Corny Father's Day Mugs, Really?

If the father in your life drinks coffee or tea regularly, then a coffee mug may seem like a good father's day gift idea. You probably think you're being cute with father's day mugs that say things like “#1 Dad”, “Best Dad”, blah, blah.  What you're being is yawn worthy. Borrrrring! These simple simon mugs are just telling your dad things he already knows about himself. Step up your game you little offsprings.

If you really think your dad is the best then get him something unique that reflects his true awesomeness. Here are some unique coffee mugs that let your dad know you think he's cool.


These mugs are functional but show some personality. The self-stirring mug may be a little on the lazy side. But doesn't your dad work hard enough? Does that man really need to put in more effort to stir his coffee or tea? Give his little tea finger a break and splurge on that man!

Damn Your Practical Socks & Under Wear Gifts!

Look, we already know about the holes in our socks and boxers (or tighty whities. I don't judge). Lord knows you've been nagging us about it for damn near the whole year. Here's the thing, our holiday isn't an excuse to get us practical gifts that you want us to have. It's a cheap father's gift and we all know no one cares about our holiday. Don't make it worse by trying to get us to get rid of our holy draws. Furthermore, a little hole never hurt anyone. It actually just provides us a nice cold breeze where we really need it. Excuse the visuals. We don't need your hints. So when you get us new socks or underwear, you're just being disrespectful and cold blooded. If you want to get in the spirit of being cold, then get us one of these gifts instead.



I love my portable ice maker machine. It's a great man cave accessory so you don't have to venture out of that room and interact with the family if you need to fix yourself a tasty adult beverage. And ladies it's also a great item to have when you're hosting a get together in your house. So you win here too. (Wink, wink fellas.)

Alleged “Male” Rompers.

I can't believe I actually have to discuss this. I never thought there would be a time where “man” and “rompers” would be in the same sentence. But things change and the rise of the male romper aka man rompers is a thing. And I'm sure there are some wives and kids that think it would be hilarious to see their dads in a male romper. I'm telling you right now, that it won't be funny. And if he's anything like me he may throw this gift at you. But if you're in a “Hee Hee”, “Ha Ha” funny mood and you insist on making your dad part of the male romper movement, might I suggest the following instead:


What Are Your Best Father's Day Gifts & Ideas?

Hopefully, this article gave the scoop on the Father's Day gifts to avoid for the special man in your life. But if you need more father's day gift ideas, Amazon.com has a great gift guide listed here. If your father is a pain in the ass and you just don't know what to get him, then gift cards can go a long way. No, we don't find them rude or impersonal. With a gift card, we can actually get what we really want. So it's never a bad idea. You can earn gift cards for free at sites like Swagbucks.com. Or you can buy gift cards at a discount. For instance, a $50 gift card to Dicks might only cost you $35 at Raise.com. They have many of your dad's favorite stores, so you're bound to find the right gift cards for him.  So you may want to try their site as well.

Well, that's enough yapping from me. I'd love to hear about your Father's Day Gifts that you plan to buy or have received. Fellas, have you ever got a cool father's day gift that really impressed you? If so what was it? What would be your ideal father's day gift?

Chime in below. If you enjoyed this article, give me a father's gift by sharing it with others. LOL,  thanks for reading.

Eddy with a y


  1. Agus June 12, 2017
    • Eddy Salomon June 12, 2017
  2. Jeannie Brickley June 13, 2017
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  3. angela June 13, 2017
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  4. Brian June 13, 2017
    • Eddy Salomon June 13, 2017
  5. Mei Scarlet June 14, 2017
    • Eddy Salomon June 14, 2017

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