23andMe DNA Test Review: How Accurate Is this Genetic Testing?

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What makes you, you? Would you like to know? You can find out more about who you really are through DNA testing kits like the ones available from 23andMe. Each type of kit offers its unique advantages and disadvantages when it comes to discovering more about your ancestry. You have probably seen and read other 23andMe reviews on the Internet already to find out the complete truth on its DNA testing kits. If you want the complete scoop on this test regarding its benefits and flaws, you will definitely want to read this review. Let's get started.

What is the 23andMe Test?

23andMe.com is a website that offers DNA genetic test kits. The company was founded in 2006 by Linda Avey, Paul Cusenza and Anne Wojcicki. It's based out of Mountain View, California

They have served more than 2 million customers. In 2015, the FDA authorized the company to market the first direct-to-consumer genetics test.

23andMe DNA Testing Kit

How Does 23andMe Work?

The 23andMe DNA test uses genotyping analysis to uncover variants about your ancestry, traits, and health conditions. The kit analyzes DNA chromosomes to provide insights into genetic health risks, carrier status, and overall ancestry. Included in the kit is a specimen bag, step-by-step instructions, collection tube, cap, funnel lid, and container.

To get your results, you register your kit by creating a free online account and entering the barcode located on the collection tube. Fill the tube with saliva and mail it back to the company in the prepaid package. In about 6 weeks, you will receive an email with a link to access you results online. The information is compiled into 75 various reports.

How Long Does It Take To Get Results From 23 and Me?

Unfortunately it's not a quick process. 23 and Me Test results typically take about 6-8 weeks to receive. The saliva kits are sent to a CLIA-certified and CAP-accredited lab for processing. You will receive a link to your results by email through a password protected account.

How Much Is 23 and Me?

You can buy the 23andMe Ancestry Service kit on Amazon.com for the best price. Amazon will often have deals that can give you a significant discount if you sign up for their prime membership or something else. At the time of this review, 23andMe costs about $99 on their company website. There is also a Health and Ancestry Kit available for $199 on their company website. This kit will give you more complete information about your genetic health and makeup.

Where Can I Find 23andMe Promo Codes or Discounts?

You may be considering looking for discounts online to save money towards the purchase of the DNA kit. Unfortunately, there are no promo or discount codes available on the web. But you can get the Ancestry Service kit on Amazon.com for the best price and it may include free shipping. You can also find other great DNA testing kits like AncestryDNA. You may also want to check Ebates.com which offers you cash back and coupons on products like this.

How Accurate is the 23andMe Testing Kit?

According to the company's website, the test is 99% accurate. This is a higher accuracy rate than many other similar DNA tests on the market place. The company's kits are FDA approved and processed in an third party certified lab.

23andMe Features:

Ancestry Reports: The reports analyze details about your genetic history going all the way back to the Neanderthal Era.

DNA Relative Finder: This opt-in service allows you to connect with others in its online database that match your DNA.

Genetic Health Risk Reports: These reports will help you ermine if your DNA carries variants for certain diseases like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and others.

Carrier Status Reports: These reports look to see if you carry DNA factors for certain diseases like Cystic Fibrosis, Sickle Cell Anemia, and hereditary hearing loss.

Wellness Reports: These reports analyze factors related to deep sleep, weight, and even lactose intolerance.

Traits Reports: These reports contain information about 15 various genetic traits such as male bald spots and more.

30-Day Refund Policy: You can return the kit to the company within 30 days to receive a full refund.

Free Shipping: If you purchase the 23 and Me kit using Amazon.com, you can usually get FREE shipping if you're an Amazon Prime member.

23andMe Complaints

Like all companies 23andMe isn't perfect. There are some complaints against them that should be noted so you can make an informed purchase.  But none of them seem like real deal breakers to me.  But that's up to you to decide.

Poor Customer Service: Some customers have stated that the company's customer service isn't very helpful when contacted and kits can get lost in the mail. This doesn't seem to happen a lot. But some folks have complained.

Read The Fine Print: If you navigate to the bottom of the company's website, there is a medical disclaimer you should read carefully and understand. The reports should not be used to make any medical decisions regarding your health and will not tell you your risk of developing a certain disease.

Results Not Accurate: According to some complaints found on the BBB (Better Business Bureau) some people have argued that the DNA tests weren't accurate despite the company's claim their tests are 99% accurate.

Why is this taking so long? 23 and Me claims to send your results within 6-8 weeks. But some customers have said that it took longer than this and some never received their results at all.

What Are The Alternatives to 23andMe DNA Kit?

If anything you read above gives you pause about 23andMe, fortunately there are other DNA kits available. If you just head over to Amazon.com you'll find a nice selection that are priced similarly and have good ratings. Here are some better options for you to consider:


Vitagene DNA Test

Family Tree DNA Genetic Ancestry Test Kit

Is 23andMe The Best DNA Testing Kit?

23andMe offers a great DNA testing kit that goes farther back than many other tests. You can also get health and wellness information other DNA tests don't offer. However, this information should not be used to make any medical decisions. The company's customer service could be better. However, the company's products and services appear to be pretty decent overall.

After reading many of the other 23andMe reviews online including mine, you should be very clear on what the DNA testing kit is and what it can do. If you like this review, you may also like my AncestryDNA review as well, which is a similar product to the one from 23andMe. Have you tried the DNA kit? Let me know what you think in the comment section below. I would love to hear from you!

Until next time,

Eddy with a y

23andMe Review
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23andMe seems to be one of the most comprehensive DNA or Genetic testing kits out on the market. You definitely get more bang for your buck. But its not perfect as you'll learn when you read the review below.

User Rating 4 (1 vote)
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