BaeTea Teatox Review: Is It A Weight Loss Tea Scam or Real?

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Hey Bae! Oh wait that's not the type of Bae we're talking about today. If you landed on this page, chances are you're looking for a way to quickly lose weight without surgery, exercise or having to drastically change your eating habits. If you've been reading all the BaeTea Teatox reviews and you're wondering if this is the real deal, then you're in the right place. So let's dive in and dig out the complaints against BaeTea Teatox.

What is BaeTea?

BeaTea TeaTox  found at and, was created by Baetea which is a health and lifestyle company. Their website was registered on 3.15.2015 but there is no record of who owns the company. According to their site, their mission is to promote an active, healthy and balanced lifestyle via their products. They claim their products are made from only the best 100% natural ingredients.

How Does BaeTea TeaTox Work?

According to their company website, Baetea 14 day teatox is a detoxifying tea that uses certified organic herbs. Apparently their tea have been formulated in such a way to assist in your weight loss and should be part of a healthy diet and exercise regimen.

They claim that their delicious blend of traditional organic herbs helps cleanse and purifies your body of toxins and waste. It also helps boost your metabolism and energy level. Furthermore they claim that it gets rid of excess water and reduces stress.

How Do I Use BaeTea Detox?

You should drink the baetea detox tea every morning when you wake up or before a workout. All you need to do is add one tea bag to cup. Then pour a cup of nearly boiling water over the tea bag and let it rest to infuse for 3-5 minutes before drinking.

This tea is best absorbed with food. So be sure you eat something first and avoid taking with an empty stomach. Do not use more than one tea bag a day. Because this product contains caffeine, don't take it less than 4 hours before bedtime. The caffeine contained is equivalent to one cup of coffee.

BeaTea Features:

Cleanse & Detoxes Your Body – Their 14 Day Teatox cleanses and purifies the body of harmful poxins and waste.
Flattens Tummy Bloat – Teatox can help reduce bloating and helps you to get a flat tummy. This is achieved by aiding your digestion to help relieve excessive bloating.
Minimizes Your Appetite – This product naturally suppresses your appetite. It can diminish your hunger for up to 4-6 Hours. And it's effective for men and women.
It Taste Great – They use a delicious blend of traditional herbs with Oolong Wu Yi Tea from China’s Fujian Province.
It's all natural – Apparently the tea is made from 100% natural ingredients. There are no artificial ingredients used.
Money Back Guarantee – If for some reason, you are not happy with the results, you just need to contact their company and they will provide a full refund.

What are the Ingredients of BaeTea 14 Day TeaTox?

The baetea detox tea contains the following ingredients:

  • Blended with Rooibos Leaf
  • Green Tea Leaf
  • Oolong Wu Yi Leaf
  • Ginger Root
  • Pomegranate
  • Guarana Seed
  • Matcha Green Tea
  • Garcinia Cambogia Extract
  • Natural Flavors
  • Lemon Juice
  • Sea Salt (Electrolytes)
  • Citric Acid
  • Stevia Powder

What Are The BaeTea Detox Side Effects & Complaints?

As great as this all sounds there are some side effects that people have reported. Just keep in mind side effects will vary from person to person because our bodies are different and could also be a result of medications you take or foods that you may eat. Either way you should be aware of them. So here they are.

Jittery Feelings: Some people have complained that the tea made them feel a bit jittery. It wasn't a complaint that we saw often. But this could be due to the caffeine in the tea.

Naseau: There were very few customers that complained that drinking the tea made them feel like throwing up a few minutes after drinking it even though it had a pleasant taste. But this feeling wasn't always consistent.

Stomach Cramps: We found a few reports of people that had mild stomach cramping and loose bowel movements as they used this tea.

Headaches: Some people complained of headaches after using the detox tea. But this was a very small number of people out of thousands so it doesn't seem to be a consistent complaint or issue.

Taste “Earthy”: Apparently there were just a few people that weren't found of the taste of the tea. So they added honey to it and it seemed to improve the taste for some of these people. But for others they just didn't like it while most people enjoyed the taste.

So Does Baetea 14 Day Teatox Detox Actually Work?

Judging by the hundreds of positives reviews found on Amazon regarding this product, it seems like the BaeTea 14 Day Teatox Detox Herbal tea does work for many people that have tried it. They use natural ingredients many of which are known to help with weight lost and tummy bloating.

But like any type of product you may ingest there are some side effects that appear to impact a very small group of people. That said you can't really be sure if these side effects impact you unless you give this a try yourself.

The great thing about this company is that if this doesn't work for you, they stand by their product and offer a full money back guarantee. So in that regard you have little to lose which is nice. But that's our take.

I'd love to hear your thoughts about this product, so leave a comment or review down below. If you enjoyed this review, you'd probably like my Flat Tummy Tea Tea Review as well.

Until next time,

Eddy with a y

Baetea 14 Day Teatox Detox Review
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Baetea 14 Day Teatox Detox appears to be helping hundreds of people reduce tummy bloating and lose weight. But it's not perfect and some side effects that a minor group of people have complained about. Fortunately they offer a money back guarantee.

User Rating 5 (1 vote)
Comments Rating 5 (1 review)


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