RetailMeNot RXSaver Review: Legit Prescription Drug Discount Program or Hoax?

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We all know that the price of prescription drugs can be a real budget-buster for some people. Well, drugs discount provider RXSaver alleges you don’t have to spend a fortune to stay healthy. You’re probably wondering whether there’s any truth in that and that’s why you’re going through RetailMeNot RXSaver Reviews

Well, wonder no more. We wanted to find the truth. So we have compiled the good and bad in this shocking RetailMeNot RXSaver Review. So read it carefully. 

What Is RetailMeNot RXSaver?

RetailMeNot RXSaver is a website and app that helps customers get discounts on prescription medicine. RXSaver is a subsidiary of cashback and coupons provider RetailMeNot, Inc. The company was founded in 2006 by current CEO Cotter Cunningham and they are headquartered in Austin, Texas, USA. They’re found online at

How Does RetailMeNot RXSaver Work?

As a member, RXSaver enables you to compare prescription prices and get discounts on the drugs you buy at local pharmacies. All you have to do is search for the medicine either on the website or app to find the lowest offer near you. 

The default results will display the most common form, strength and quality of the prescription drug. They say if your prescription differs, you can adjust the drug details. You’ll then print or show the card to the pharmacist and you’ll get your prescription at that price. 

RetailMeNot RXSaver Features

So here’s what makes up the whole RetailMeNot RXSaver experience.

Mobile App – The free app is basically the mobile version of You can compare prices at different pharmacies near you as the discount amount may vary by both location and discount source used. The app is available on both Android and iOS

Pill Identifier – This interactive feature allows you to find drug images based on an imprint on the pill, its shape, size, color, symbol and score (the number of pieces the pill may be broken into). You can read more on that here

You may find similar or even more features with an alternative like

How Much Does RetailMeNot RXSaver Cost?

The service is completely free to use, on both desktop and mobile. If you’re a doctor you can apply for a Patients Savings Kit for your patients. The kit includes a display stand and 100 RxSaver prescription savings cards, delivered in 2-4 weeks.

RetailMeNot RXSaver Pros

Positive BBB Rating – If you live and die by Better Business Bureau ratings, then you will be glad to know the RetailMeNot’s BBB rating is an A+ at the time of writing this review.

It’s Free – RXSaver is great especially if you don’t have insurance. You can save up to 80% on prescription drugs. Users also love the fact that you can get even better discounts in smaller, local pharmacies while using the geolocation feature in the free app. 

RetailMeNot RXSaver Complaints

All companies will have some negative aspects. RX Saver is no different and some of these complaints may prove too bitter a pill to swallow for you. So read the complaints about RXSaver and determine for yourself whether it’s worthwhile. 

You’re not always guaranteed a discount – Customers have complained that some common drugs are not included by RXSaver, especially high-cost maintenance drugs. So if you don’t have insurance you may find yourself paying full price. Fortunately, there are tons of options out there. You can look into alternatives like that may have what you’re looking for. 

Discounts may be lower than expected – If you read the fine print on their website you’ll discover that in reality, the chances of scoring a significant discount is narrow. They even say only 14% of purchases receive 80% off savings and above. That’s about one in ten customers. Well you’ll definitely save money with RXSaver, but probably not as much as they’ve made it seem. 

You can’t combine the card with your insurance – You can either use your insurance provider’s discount or RXSaver’s but not both. So be sure to confirm with your pharmacist which option is cheaper. 

Pets are not included – If you have pets that are under prescription meds, tough luck, as RXSaver doesn’t offer this option. This may be a good reason to check out other alternative companies like and GoodRX that also offers discounts for your pets’ prescription medicine. 

So Does RetailMeNot RXSaver Work or Not?

RXSaver is definitely a legit way to fight the high cost of prescription medication. The app is also free to use and their PillFinder feature is very interactive. It seems like for the most part you are likely to save if your meds are included in the program. However, they don’t include pet prescriptions which may be a bummer for pet owners. 

At the same time, it never hurts to try other companies as well, for comparison purposes. is also a great option to consider as well. 

I would love to know what you think about RXSaver by RetailMeNot. So feel free to drop us a thought in the comments section below. If you still have questions about the company, you can find answers in their FAQs page

Until next time

Eddy with a Y.

RetailMeNot RXSaver Review
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You're probably looking for legit ways to save on prescription drugs and that's why you're reading RXSaver reviews. Well, this tell-it-all review is a must-read if you want to know the truth about the company.

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