ID Watchdog Review: Does It Really Work?

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We live in a world where we are never really in total control of our private information. Your identity could easily fall into the wrong hands especially with the existence of the dark web or worse still have your life savings vanish without a trace. But companies like ID Watchdog claim they can help keep your information safe by providing premium identity theft protection services. However, I bet you wouldn’t spend money before reading a couple of ID Watchdog reviews to determine whether it’s the real deal or a scam. 

Well, we’ve laid everything bare in this ID Watchdog Review and unfortunately not everything is as it seems. So I would stick around to the end if I were you!

What Is ID Watchdog?

IDWatchdog found online at is an identity theft protection and monitoring service based in Atlanta, Georgia, United States. The company started to offer protection for identity theft in 2007, and was later acquired by consumer credit reporting giant Equifax in 2017. 

How Does ID Watchdog Work?

IDWatchdog basically offers a variety of services designed to secure your private information and offer identity theft protection and theft insurance. They ideally monitor critical data points that help identify vulnerable areas and suspicious activity involving your personal information, credit cards and bank details. They send out alerts to their customers whenever they notice risky or suspicious activity. In addition, if your information lands on the wrong hands, they’ll help you recover it as well by following up with relevant parties.  

ID Watchdog Features

Here are the features of the ID Watchdog's identity theft protection service. 

Monitoring Services – ID Watchdog offers several monitoring services alongside protecting identity theft, including credit report monitoring, dark web monitoring, high-risk transactions monitoring, subprime loan monitoring, credit monitoring, credit card monitoring, public records monitoring and USPS change of address monitoring.

Child Credit Lock – When activated, this feature enables ID Watchdog to monitor your child’s information to prevent credit fraud in your child’s name. ID Watchdog will create an Equifax credit report for your child then lock and conduct credit monitoring to prevent unauthorized access by potential lenders and creditors. 

Lost Wallet Vault & Assistance – You’ll be able to store all your credentials including personal, financial and other information with ID Watchdog. In case of a lost or stolen wallet, ID Watchdog will assist you cancel and replace your wallet contents. 

Dedicated Resolution Specialists – IDWatchdog assigns you a personal resolution specialist to fully manage your case until your identity is restored. 

Up to $1 Million Identity Theft Insurance – $1 million Identity Theft Insurance ensures you’re reimbursed for certain out-of-pocket costs that went into recovering your identity. 

Mobile App – Their mobile app is available for both Android and iOS devices. 

How Much Does ID Watchdog Cost?

At the time of writing this review, IDWatchdog offers two identity theft protection plans for both individuals and family. 


  • IDWatchdog Plus – $14.95 per month/ $149.95 per year
  • ID Watchdog Platinum – $19.95 per month/$219 per year


  • IDWatchdog Plus – $25.95 per month/$287 per year
  • ID Watchdog Platinum – $34.95 per month/$387 per year. 

The most comprehensive ID Watchdog plan offers the following protection and monitoring services. 

  • Dark Web Monitoring
  • High-Risk CreditCard Transactions Monitoring
  • Subprime Loan Monitoring
  • Public Records Monitoring
  • USPS Change of Address Monitoring
  • Identity Profile Report
  • Social Network Alerts
  • Social Security Monitoring
  • Registered Sex Offender Reporting
  • Customizable Alert Options
  • Mobile App
  • Credit Card Theft Insurance
  • Breach Alert Emails
  • National Provider ID & Credit Card Alerts
  • 24/7/365 US-Based Customer Care
  • Lost Wallet Vault & Assistance
  • Credit Score monitoring and credit report
  • Dark Web Fraud Alert Assistance
  • Social Security Number Recovery
  • Credit Freeze Assistance
  • Solicitation Reduction

The family plans cover up to 10 dependents. 

ID Watchdog Refund Policy

You can cancel your ID Watchdog service at any time. They refund you unused whole months if you went for an annual plan. They don’t reimburse customers for partial months of service. To cancel your IDWatchdog plan, you can call customer service on 1-800-970-5182. Once they terminate your subscription, ID Watchdog will send you a written confirmation by email or first-class mail. 

How Do I Get Started with ID Watchdog?

You can go here to get started with IDWatchdog. While signing up they’ll ask for your personal information including your name, email address, physical address, phone number, social security number, date of birth, etc. After confirming your email, you can then choose a plan, pay for it and complete your profile setup. 

ID Watchdog Complaints

IDWatchdog, like any other identity theft protections service, falls short in certain cases. It’s just up to you to determine whether they are deal breakers or not. 

No free trial or money-back guarantee – If you decide to pay for the service, you’re all in from the get-go. You can’t try the service first to determine whether it’s worthwhile or nah. Other companies like PrivacyGuard do offer a trial run with money-back guarantee. 

Some crucial features missing – None of the subscriptions include computer security tools. So you can’t really be certain that the information you enter on your computer is completely safe. They also don’t offer medical fraud prevention which is an essential service provided by most other companies. 

Which Identity Theft Service Is Best?

Every identity theft protection service has its advantages and shortfalls. It’s just up to you to determine which identity theft and identity monitoring plan is worth your money. But the best identity theft protection services don't compromise on customer-based factors like their refund policy, free trial, the $ 1 million insurance cover, 24/7 customer service and the identity theft protection services offered in relation to what your monthly or annual charges are. 

Is ID Watchdog Worth It?

ID Watchdog is not a scam, based on what we know at the time of writing this review. However, IDWatchdog does lack some essential services like computer protection tools and medical fraud monitoring. If you shop around elsewhere you may find companies that have the essential features not included in ID Watchdog. So be sure to check out other options we’ve reviewed before like MyIDCare and Identity Guard

Well, that’s my IDWatchdog review. Would you use the service? Feel free to chime in your thoughts in the comments section below. If you still need more questions answered, you can visit their FAQs section here

Until next time

Eddy “with a Y”



ID Watchdog Review
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Id Watchdog claims it will protect you and your family against identity theft for a cost. But is it really legit? Real this review and find out!

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